From the beginning the Church has fulfilled the Lord’s commission to baptize. As the Catechism states, “From the very day of Pentecost, the Church has celebrated and administered holy Baptism. Indeed St. Peter declares to the crowd astounded by his preaching: “Repent, and be baptized every one of you” (CCC, 1226; Acts 2:38). This invitation continues today as the Church offers all entrance into life in the Spirit through the waters of Baptism.

Sacrament of Eucharist
As one of the seven sacraments, Eucharist stands above the others. While baptism is the gateway sacrament, the beginning of belief in Jesus as Lord, and incorporation into the Body of Christ, the Church; it is the Eucharist that is the source and summit of the Christian life. Eucharist is a rich source of grace throughout life, spiritual sustenance for our pilgrimage on earth, and at the time of death Eucharist is received as viaticum, bread for the journey, so Christ might escort the believer to heaven and eternal life.

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Jesus often spoke about forgiveness, forgave those who sinned against others, forgave those who sinned against him, and asked the Church to continue his healing ministry by instituting the Sacrament of Reconciliation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation brings God’s peace and strength to those who are sincerely sorry for their sins and have a firm purpose to amend their ways. When the priest says, “I absolve you,” it is Christ who absolves (Mk 2:10).
Reconciliation Times: Saturdays: 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. (in Reconciliation Room next to the Chapel) and by appointment.

St. Bart’s invites students 8th grade and above to prepare for and discern receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. Candidates enroll in a two-year preparation process focused on fostering a deeper relationship with Jesus, receiving instruction in the Faith, serving others, and more fully embracing their own unique gifts and charisms.
Practically, Confirmation preparation at St. Bart’s consists of weekly formation via the High School Youth Ministry program (meets Sunday Evenings), bi-weekly supplemental Confirmation prep meetings, fall and spring retreats, and service opportunities with an existing parish ministry. This mix allows candidates to deepen their relationship with Christ and one another, grow in their knowledge and lived experience of the Faith, and ultimately form the foundation necessary for living an authentically Christian life as a life-long disciple in Christ.

Catholics believe that marriage comes as a gift from the hand of God. The Catholic vision of marriage is rooted in Sacred Scripture and is expressed in the teachings and practices of the Church. Couples planning to be married at St. Bartholomew are asked to contact the parish one year in advance. Preparation includes meetings with the priest or deacon, the PREPARE program, and an engaged workshop/retreat. Parish membership is required. For more information, contact the parish office, 952-473-6601.

Holy Orders
Those admitted to the Sacrament of Holy Orders serve the church as bishops, priests and deacons. The vocation to Holy Orders is understood to be a call from God himself. A man who believes he may have a vocation to serve the church in Holy Orders is encouraged to present himself to the church in order that the church may assist him in the process of discernment, provide the necessary formation, and finally, God willing, ordain that individual.

Anointing of the Sick
The Sacrament of Anointing is available to anyone suffering in mind, body or spirit. It is especially consoling to receive the sacrament before surgery or when a change in health status occurs.
St. Bart’s Faith Community wants to support and pray with you and offers two Anointing Masses during the year; usually on a Saturday morning, once in the spring and once again in the fall. The Anointing Masses are followed by a luncheon. The dates will be posted in the bulletin and website when they become available.
Contact the church office at 952-473-6601 to request an Anointing or if you have questions.

Becoming Catholic
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, otherwise known as OCIA, is the process through which people become full members of the Roman Catholic Church or complete their Catholic initiation. It is an opportunity to join others in deepening one’s relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church through study and spiritual formation in the Catholic faith. Ultimately those who decide to become Catholic prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation). The OCIA welcomes inquirers at all levels of knowledge, faith and intent!