The unnamed couple whom Jesus greatly blessed by performing his first sign at Cana still had their whole married lives to live. Join other newly married couples (less than 5 years married) who are like you embarking on the road of the rest of your lives. This is one great way to honor the choice you made to celebrate the Catholic Sacrament of Marriage. Christ can still provide you the grace of turning water into wine!
This group will meet once a month starting October 20. Each evening will start after the 5PM Sunday Mass to encourage those who can to attend that Mass together. The meetings will include input from Fr. Bobby, or another staff member or parishioner, dinner and time for fellowship/discussion. The first meeting will start with several introductory activities, and time will be left to hear input on what our couples would find most valuable for these meetings going forward.
Please join us in Fellowship Hall on October 20, November 17, and December 15. The gathering will start at 6:15PM after the Sunday 5PM Mass. They will last an hour-and –a-half. These events will continue into 2025, with a schedule that will be posted in December.