We have many ways for parishioners to get involved in both our parish and local communities. Scroll through the full list or click on one of the Filter Tabs below to narrow your search. Note that all those working or volunteering with children at the school or parish must complete the “Essential 3” (E3) through Virtus (prior to volunteer working beginning). Click below to learn more.
- Faith Formation
- Immediate Needs
- Local Outreach
- Music & Liturgy
- Parish Life
- Pastoral Care
- Stewardship
- Youth Ministy
Music & Liturgy
Altar Server
Assist the pastor and guest presider during Mass. Open to youth (5th - 12th grade).
Immediate Needs, Music & Liturgy
AV Volunteer
Music & Liturgy
Lead assembly in singing at weekend and Holy Day liturgies. Open to adults and youth (9th grade and older).
Music & Liturgy
Sing at the 8:30 and/or 10:30 Masses and major feast days.
Parish Life
Connections Team
Help members get to know one another through parish activities. Serve as either a committee member or as an event volunteer. Commitment is to help plan, promote and implement 2 – 3 events per year.
Youth Ministy
Middle School Core Team
Lead a small group of students in discussions about their faith. Attend monthly meetings to plan & prepare for our middle school gatherings.
Music & Liturgy
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
Distribute the Blessed Sacrament and Precious Blood at Mass.; One month, each calendar quarter.
Faith Formation
Faith Formation (Small Group Student Leaders)
Help lead teacher manage the classroom and run activities for 1st - 5th grades, Sunday mornings, October - May. Great opportunity for Confirmation candidates and high schoolers looking to letter in service.
Faith Formation
Faith Formation Commission
Develop program policies and goals, evaluate and assesses existing programs, and support the Director of Faith Formation.
Faith Formation
Faith Formation Teacher (Catechist)
Grade 1 - 5 teachers, subs and co-teachers needed. Adult and youth volunteers (must be Virtus Safe Environment credentialed). 3 times/month Oct - April.
Local Outreach
Feed My Starving Children
Turn hunger into hope with your own two hands. Join fellow parishioners to pack meals for undernourished children across the globe. Open to volunteers ages five and up, this is a great opportunity to serve as a family!
Pastoral Care
Funeral Altar Server
Assist the priest during a funeral. Adults and youth volunteers needed (5th grade or older).Training provided. Commitment is 1 ½ hours, usually on a weekday.
Pastoral Care
Funeral Hospitality
Provide funeral lunch hospitality by setting up, serving, and cleaning up. Commitment 2-4 hours, usually on a weekday.
Pastoral Care
Funeral Lector
Proclaim the Word of God at a Funeral Mass. Training provided. Commitment is 1 hour, usually on a weekday, 2 or 3 times per year.
Music & Liturgy
Create a welcoming environment at liturgies; one month each calendar quarter.
Local Outreach
Holy Rosary Coat Drive
Assist with the coat drive with publicity and/or delivery of coats to Holy Rosary, our sister parish in South Minneapolis, during October.
Music & Liturgy
Play at the weekend and Holy Day Masses. Open to adults and youth (9th grade and older). Audition required and guidance provided. Commitment is flexible.
Immediate Needs, Local Outreach
IOCP Food Shelf Assistant
Music & Liturgy
Keeper of the Banners
Help prepare the banners for the liturgical seasons; 6-12 Tuesday mornings during the year.
Music & Liturgy
Proclaim the Word of God to the Assembly on weekends and Holy Days; Commitment: 6-8 times per year.
Youth Ministy
High School Formation Core Team
Meet monthly to plan and prepare for our twice a month youth group gatherings. Assist in overall vision planning. Serve as a small group leader on Sunday nights...
Music & Liturgy
Liturgical Environment Committee
Plan and coordinate the ambiance of the church based on the liturgical season; Commitment varies depending on the liturgical seasons.
Immediate Needs, Local Outreach
Loaves and Fishes at Holy Rosary
Upcoming Dates: March 10 | April 22
Parish Life
New Member Welcome Team
Serve as a host assisting during New Member Welcome events, welcoming and connecting with guests, and giving church tours, 2 -3 Sundays per year.
Parish Life
Nursery Volunteer
Assist the Nursery Coordinator on Sunday during the 8:30 or 10:30 a.m. liturgies to provide safe and nurturing childcare for young children.
Pastoral Care
Parish Visitor (EMHC/PV)
Visit parishioners who are unable to come to Mass. Bring Communion to homebound parishioners and residents in Assisted Living facilities.
Parish Life
Phone Callers
Call parishioners to extend an invitation or provide information. Commitment is flexible and can be done from home according to your schedule.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care Co-Coordinator
Assist the Director of Pastoral Ministry with coordinating Pastoral Care Ministries. Commitment varies. 1- 4 hours per month.
Parish Life, Immediate Needs
Take photos or video at parish functions and special liturgies. Parish camera available for use or use your cell phone; commitment varied and flexible.
Pastoral Care
Prayer Network
Pray for the needs of others. You will receive/pass on prayer requests by phone or email. Serve from home.
Pastoral Care
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Knit or crochet prayer shawls at home and once a month with other knitters for parishioners in need of prayer.
Local Outreach
Respect Life Committee
Help promote a culture of life. Committee focus is on assisting those who are most vulnerable, especially mothers and their unborn children.
Parish Life
Rosary Society
The rosary and chapel of divine mercy is prayed every 1st Thursday afternoon at 12:30 p.m. in the Cry Room
Local Outreach
School's Cool
Provide school uniforms, fees and supplies for Catholic school children at the Banyan Community. Commitment varies according to task, May through September.
Parish Life
Shared Ministry Committee
Help plan and implement strategies and opportunities for Time & Talent, Gift Discernment, new Membership, and volunteerism for parishioners.
Local Outreach
Simpson Housing Meal Server
Parish Life
Social Event Volunteer
Be a part of the team that helps the event running smoothly: set-up, decorate, serve or prepare food, break down event, etc. Commitment is flexible; work only one event or work them all.
Faith Formation
Sunday Preschool Teacher (Catechist)
Teach 4, 5, or 6 year olds during Sunday 8:30 am or 10:30 am Masses, September thru April. Adult and youth volunteers (must be 16 Virtus Safe Environment credentialed).
Music & Liturgy
o Welcome and seat parishioners and guests for Mass, coordinate offertory collection; Commitment: one month each calendar quarter.
Immediate Needs, Music & Liturgy
Video Camera Operator
Operates video camera during major feast days for overflow crowds in fellowship hall. Commitment is flexible.
Parish Life
Weekend Hospitality
Adults and families needed to serve coffee and donuts after masses on the weekends. Mass time is based on family preference. Serve once every 2 months.
Parish Life
Welcome Desk
Distribute parish information, answer questions and register new members; every 6 – 8 weeks, 15 minutes before and after weekend Masses.
Youth Ministy
Youth Ministry Hospitality Volunteer
Help coordinate and set-up snacks at our twice a month Sunday night Youth Group and help coordinate food for special events.