Encountering the Living God
“The Power and the Meaning of the Mass”

Week 1: Fr. Bobby Pish

Reflection Question:

  1. What does the Mass mean to you?

Encountering the Living God
“In our Neighbor, Service, and our Community”

Coming Easter 2025

Encountering the Living God “Why should I care? The deep questions of the human heart”

Week 1: Fr. John Klockeman

Reflection Questions:

  1. What is one thing that spoke to you in the homily and how will you apply it in your life today, this week, or beyond as a habit or new way of thinking/acting in the world

  2. Jesus is the answer who came to release us from our unfreedoms. What impedes you from true freedom?
    (e.g. old thought pattern, unforgiveness, undermining, habits, or persistent sins that don’t go away)

  3. What changes can you make, even small, to redirect your life toward freedom in God?

Week 2: Fr. Bobby Pish

Reflection Questions:

  1. Can you identify one gift God has given you in your life that demonstrates God’s desire to work through you for the good of the world? 

  2. Who is one person in your life that needs to know God’s love more deeply?  How might God be calling you to show it to them? 

  3. What do you treasure in life?   Does it reflect a relationship with God that provides more safety and security than material wealth?

Week 3: Fr. John Klockeman

Reflection Questions:

  1. Where in the deepest relationship of your life do you find a reflection of Christ’s love for His bride, the Church?  Where and how could that reflection be better expressed?

  2. How does your discipleship express childlike trust, vulnerability and wonder with God? 

  3. What is impeding a deeper, or fuller, homecoming in your relationship with God?

Week 4: Fr. Bobby Pish

Reflection Questions:

  1. What do you imagine eternal life with Jesus to be like? Does it sufficiently capture your heart to follow him fully? If not, can you expand it?

  2. What attachments in this life (e.g., money, power, people, fame, appearances) keep your heart from being free to follow Jesus?

  3. What would you be willing to give up to free your heart to make room in your heart for God and the freedom to follow Jesus more closely?

Encountering the Living God “The Why and How of Prayer”

Week 1: Fr. Bobby Pish

Reflection Questions:

  1. In this Advent season, in what particular part of your life would you like to see Jesus appear?

  2. How can I grow in humility so that I receive prayer as the gift of God that it is?

  3. How do I hear God calling me to a deeper life of prayer?

Week 2: Fr. John Klockeman

Reflection Questions:

  1. What word or phrase jumped out at me?  I should bring that to prayer because God is speaking to me and my situation of life with that word or phrase.

  2. What areas or habits of my life are impeding me from hearing the voice of God or my own heart’s desire?  What needs to change in my life?

  3. What simple changes can I make today in my life to lead me, and my family and friends, to greater freedom and joy?

Week 3: Fr. Bobby Pish

Reflection Questions:

  1. Which way of encountering Scripture in the homily appealed to you most to try to practice?

  2. What do you want to learn about the Bible?  Who could you ask to start finding the answers?

  3. What Scripture passages would you share if someone asked what your favorites are?  

Week 4: Fr. John Klockeman

Reflection Questions:

  1. What thoughts, feelings, emotions, and desires are you aware of that are ruminating in your heart? (If these are persistent then relate them to the Lord through prayer)

  2. Have you talked to the Lord as friend to friend?

  3. Are you open to the Lord's response/direction in your soul? (Any directions should not oppose Scripture and/or Church teaching.)