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Devoted Life Small Groups - Praying with Sacred Art

Tuesday, December 3, 6:30 PM - Tuesday, December 3, 8:00 PM

Devoted Life continues its 2024-25 offerings with a series of Advent and Christmas Small Groups. Based on Kelly Wahlquist's book Gaze Upon Jesus, these groups will be learning how to pray with Sacred Art in a small group discussion series meeting on the following dates:

Tuedsay, Dec. 3: Gaze With Humility (The Annunciation)

Wednesday, Dec. 11: Gaze with Patience (The Visitation)

Thursday, Dec. 19: Gaze with Charity (The Nativity)

Wednesday, Jan. 15: Gaze with Reverence (The Presentation)

Wednesday, Feb. 5: Gaze with Courage (The Flight to Egypt)

Wednesday, Feb. 19: Gaze with Prudence (Discovery in the Temple)

Small groups will meet at the church from 6:30-8:00 p.m. All participants are encouraged to purchase a copy of Kelly Wahlquist's book, Gaze Upon Jesus, as we will be using this text during the small groups. Please register using the button below: