Parish Census 2024

Dear St. Bartholomew Parishioners,

We are preparing to update the information in our parish database. In an attempt to record the most accurate information possible, we need your assistance.

Parish staff diligently register new parishioners and update families who have reported moving. However, we know that some families have experienced changes, i.e., new addresses or old landlines, births, or deaths in the family, adult children who leave home or are no longer active in the parish. Our records are only as good as the information we receive.
Having an accurate count of our members and knowing how to contact them is important.

We use this information to determine what types of programs to offer to help the parish encounter Christ, better engage donors with our stewardship efforts, and equip us to communicate important information about events and ministries.

The updated information you provide will equip us to serve you better.  We realize that this task may take a few minutes of your time and very much appreciate your assistance.

Thank you and God Bless!

- Fr. John Klockeman

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I submit my information?

You have several options to submit your information

1) Respond to the letter in the mail with the current information we have for you. You can mark any information updates on the letter and return it using one of the following methods:
• In the mail with the enclosed return envelope
• Place it in the collection plate
• Place it in the mail slot at the welcome desk
• Drop it off at the parish office

2) Login to the member portal and update the information under the “My Info“ tab. Please be sure to check the “Census 2024“ box under the notes field. This will mark your family as completed with the census.

3) Complete an online form with the information

What is the information used for?

All information gathered is stored in an secure and encrypted database. It is our policy to not share this information with outside sources.  We only use this information to connect with you regarding parish programs and communications.

What is the goal of the census?

We have three main objectives for this census

1) Update information in the parish database.

2)Gain a better understanding of who we are as a parish.

3)Better meet the needs of our parishioners and their gifts.

What if I did not get a letter in the mail?

One of two things could have happened.

1) You may not be registered as a parishioner. This is a great time to register as a member.

2) The letter we sent you got lost in the mail. However, you can still send us your information by one of the other methods listed in the “How do I submit my Information“ section: through the member portal or the online form.

What happens if I do not respond?

We will make several attempts to contact you to update your information.

If you do not respond by the deadline of November 1st you will be marked inactive. If you wish to reactivate your membership after that date, please contact the parish office.