Middle School Youth Night
Sunday, March 23, 6:15 PM - Sunday, March 23, 7:15 PM
The Middle School youth program meets in-person on Sunday evenings. All students and their families are invited to begin the night with our 5:00 pm Sunday evening Mass. From there, middle schoolers meet from 6:15 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. for an evening filled with fun and dynamic: activities, fellowship, worship, prayer, and small group sharing. We will also explore the beauty of the sacraments, scripture, and the importance of cultivating life of virtue as revealed through the Catholic Faith.
These nights help our middle schoolers to begin to discover their unique gifts and talents and learn to walk more closely with Jesus. We also focus on helping them build healthy, meaningful connections with their peers and cultivating a strong sense of community and belonging. By working with students on the personal, communal, and institutional dimensions of our Faith, we encourage them to fully become the saints God intended them to be!
Questions Contact Jonny Rodriguez at jrodriguez@st-barts.org or 952-745-4575